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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa magic

Today we decided to take the kids (minus J, who had had a sleepover & was more than willing to "skip" seeing Santa to hang out a little longer with his friends) to the Boulevard (a local furniture store in our area) to see Santa fly into the parking lot via helicopter to go sit inside & have his picture taken with the waiting (very excited) kids.
I'd never done (or really even heard) of this before a friend of mine had told me about it, and her son will not let her miss a year now - and I know why!
It was a definite kick watching Santa land, exit the helicopter and make his way down the line smiling & shaking hands.
Our 2 year old is just beginning to grasp the whole *Santa* thing, and is very much in love with the idea that this big guy in a red suit brings her treats! At first, after the helicopter had landed and we were waiting for Santa to get out, the force of the wind from the helicopter scared her, and (she started out on Daddys shoulders) she wanted the safety of arms immediately, but after he got out & they turned the whirly bits off - she lost her mind! She started yelling out to him & leaning forward to wave so he would see her, and C and I were just so delighted. She was all "Tanta!! Tanta!! HI TANTA!!" and had a grin that would melt a snowman. Of course I documented the whole thing!

Waiting for Santa

Sitting on Daddys shoulders & still waiting - at this point you can see the helicopter flying in.

Santa lands!

"A" loses her miiiind!

After she's been waving & calling out to "Tanta" she realizes he's getting out and coming over!

Santa says "Hello!"

It was honestly the best experience I've had this Christmas regarding the magic of Christmas for my kids. I do have to insert more "Christ" into "Christmas" for her, but as she's so young & not quite able to grasp the true meaning of Christmas, for now this will definitely do. It was fanatastic - my friend who we met there said she was only sorry she wasn't quick enough to record her with her camera that records video so my Mum in New Zealand would've been able to see just how psyched she was. It absolutely brought a tear to my eye.
This next shot is "A", my friends daughter, waving away to Santa as he lands.
Her cousin "L" is holding her.

These are some shots of my other daughter & my friends son "C" playing around after all the excitement has died down & Santa has made his way inside, & then my daughters pleasure at the day when I asked her "How was it?"

All in all, it was a great day. I then got to go hang out with the girls & watch a movie (Couples Retreat) so that was relaxing, and after that I got to hunt for a possibly dead, but certainly M.I.A kitten (which is a story in itself). And the last BIG news for the day - I WON ANOTHER GIVEWAWAY!!
Seriously, my luck could not BE any better! This time it was the very cool "Catch Santa"or "Capture the Magic", which I so wanted to do this year - if you're not sure what it is, go check it out because as far as 'magic' for your kids - this is it. You take shots of your home, then you can "add" Santa pics (you can choose from several) & it looks absolutely authentic, so I canNOT wait to do that - especially after the day my youngest had with the whole Santa thing! This was a giveaway I won from the always fabulous Blog Mom site "Mommy Mandy" (whose button is on the right. If you didn't get it before - I can't say it enough - follow, follow, follow these Moms - they have some very cool giveaways, reviews & tonnes of tips, experiences - some sad, some funny, always helpful, it's really a big Mom community where you can read about other Moms & their parenting adventures, the good the bad and the ugly. Basically - everyday stuff we all go through, the bonus is just that there happen to be giveaways attached. Sweet no? So a massive THANK YOU to Amanda, it's so very appreciated (Katie - I'm sorry. Don't worry - you can rub it in my face when you win the "BIG" one, ok?)

My night is made!!
(The following picture is taken from the website "Capturethemagic.com", it's an example pic from their website, and the link is here

Neat right? It looks so real, and I know my kids are going to get such a kick out of it - and what I love most is that my older kids who are "non-believers" or "starting to question" are definitely going to 'think twice'! That just makes it all so worth it!

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