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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lively Links

I haven't posted anything great to link to (as in, "Lively Links", not the sites I've linked to!) So I figured I'd post some today, but some are time sensitive, so you will have to get them today & soon! And as I was saying yesters. enter some giveaways hosted on the blog buttons to your right, it's definitely not a scam, they really give away great prizes! J. Leigh Desigz is hosting a giveaway for a Karito Kids Doll, which are great - I saw these a few months back, or heard about them rather, they come with a book which tells about the doll you buy. So she has a history, which is fabulous!
5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a huge Christmas, 2009 giveaway, with 38 different giveaways! That's amazing!! They all end Friday - so hurry!!
So definitely go ahead and enter some giveaways - you may win (like meeeee!!) and what a great gift idea!
On with the links:

This one is for the movie "UP", which is one of my favorites, today ONLY, you can get a free download of the soundtrack by entering the code: latmisdisney. The download is in .zip format, so very easy to get to your media player. (If you have trouble, email me and I'll guide you to the right place!)

This link is for a  free Aveeno tote bag! Just fill in the information, and voila! As long as there's some left, supply wise - you're golden!

This link is for a free sample of Benefiber Orange Sticks, from Walmart, so if you're not signed up with them you will have to do that first!

This link is a cool one. It's a free video message from Santa thanks to Disney Family, which you have to register with in order to do this. You upload a picture of your child, enter their name and have them come watch as Santa sends them a personalized message. My girls got a huge kick out of this and even my 8 year old started second guessing herself on whether or not Santa is real. (She's bounced back & forth for a few weeks. A girl at school told her! *grrr* to that!!) So I was thrilled when her eyes got big & wide and I could see the hope come back to her, it's a treat for all!

This link is for a free sample of "Total" cereal, from Quality Health, you have to be registered with them, answer a few questions, and you're all done!

This is for a "Right at Home" Giftbasket! There's a limit of 2000 participants, BUT they run this every week, so if you miss out this week, theres always next!

Redbox Codes: (I haven't tried these personally, so I can't vouch for them) DVDATWAG only works at Walgreens, DVDONME and BREAKROOM. When I get more, I'll post them, but these were for you (Ry) ;)

So thats all for now at least, I may come on later and add some more, but have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the hookup. I've actually already used all three! But thanks for the thought.
