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Saturday, November 28, 2009

So the infamous "Black Friday" has come & gone and if you were one of those brave enough (or desperate enough) to venture out, I commend you! I went. My husband decided to come with me, and I met up with one or two friends while out.
I did get all those door busters I wanted (the game from Old Navy, the candle votives from Tai Pan and even some great things from Krumpets!) I also really wanted the 'Elefun' game for my youngest, and while I missed it at the first Wal Mart (thanks in part to my husband who absolutely refused to get his head in the game and 'be aggresive', I still managed to procure it from the other Wal Mart here in town.
In fact, that was my 2nd stop, my friend and I went over there, leaving my husband to stand in line and purchase our goodies, but the line there was also horrendous, so we actually stashed the things we wanted and raced to another store. When we came back, the line was gone and we got our stuff! I recommend doing this next year if you're trying to get to three or four different stores!
So now there's nothing to do but wait for Christmas. And I love this time of year. The christmas carols, the holiday excitement, celebrating the birth of our Savior.
I play Christmas music all through the coming weeks until the Big Day. But - the classic Christmas songs. Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, The Andrew Sisters (email me for a full list. When I heard the songs from the movie 'Polar Express' I went nuts trying to find the original singers etc. Now I have the names and songs, so if you want it, let me know!)
I love decorating my house too. And thanks to my best friend, I have a TONNE of stuff to put out and get everything all Christmassy. It's great.
The one thing I do have a gripe about is the commercialization of Christmas. The 'what can I get' and the 'How much can I get's. It's not so much about giving anymore as getting, and that saddens me.
I like to dorrbell ditch people and leave gifts or cookies on their steps. This is something we try to do every Christmas. Or the 12 days of Christmas, where every day for 12 days you leave a piece of a nativity set on their doorstep and on the final day, you leave baby Jesus. We had it done to us one year, and I'll never forget how excited the kids and my husband and I were, how loved we felt and how amazed we were that someone would go to all that trouble for us! So we try and pull that off every year too.

This year, (again) I can't be with my family in New Zealand, and every year I miss them more. I remember Christmas' past where we would open our gifts and spend the day doing nothing but enjoying each others company, and around lunch time, afternoon, my Mum would make a roast with all the trimmings, and her homemade gravy, and we'd pig out until we felt sick and satisfied.
I took all that for granted, and when you don't have it anymore, it's pretty rough. My Mum started the tradition of filling our stockings (or bags, usually) with little gifts and setting them at the end of our bed. These were 'Santas' gifts. And we'd wake up, excited, aand open them up. I would always set my things out and take a picture, and my brother would do the same. Then we'd go and see what the other got. Then we'd go open the 'big' gifts. So I do that with my children now, and although that's not exactly the tradition my husband grew up with, as I don't get to see my family on Christmas, we do it every year.
Then we go to his Mums house and partake of 'Ebbelscebers'. I know I misspelt that, but its basically a german pancake type thing that you need a special pan to cook them on.
Every year there's a competition on who can eat the most. (He claims to hold the record). My best is 6, lol.
This year is our first Christmas in our new house, so I'm very excited. I'll post a pic when we get the house all prettied up. But to my family:


I miss you all.

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